Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Midterm reminder, homework solutions

Remember that the second one-hour, in class midterm exam will be given next Tuesday, Feb 27, at the beginning of class. This will be an open book, open notes exam. It will cover mainly material since the first exam, but also some critical topics from earlier (typechecking!).

I've updated the class web page with the code for the lexer and parser for Exercise 5.7.2 (Homework 3), and the code for the tic-tac-toe program (Homework 4). I'll post Homework 6 (due Feb 27) tomorrow.

Don't forget to email me a note on your proposed final programming project (Due Friday, March 16).

1 comment:

Piyo said...

Any chance you could post the project ideas you spoke of? They may at least serve as "inspiration" for our own ideas.